Friends. It has arrived. The REAL spooky season. That most fretful and frigid season of 

😲 dry,
🫢 red,
😨 itchy,
😱 flaky

scalps. It is here. And it’s coming in stronger than a group of trick-or-treaters hopped up on buckets and buckets of sweets heading straight for your doorbell. Simply put, there’s no way of escaping it. 

Or… maybe there is. And maybe we can help.

Our Scalp Treatments might just be the antidote you’re looking for. (For the scalp issues; you’re on your own with the candy-crazed children.) Abigail is telling us more and showing us one in action.

What is a Scalp Treatment?
A scalp treatment is a service that aims to improve the health of your scalp by cleansing it, removing buildup and dead skin, and adding in nourishment. It is individualized to meet your specific needs, but always includes a scalp consultation, exfoliation, massage, and treatment. It can be booked with your usual Haircut service, or as a stand-alone service with a finishing blow-dry if your scalp is needing a little extra TLC.

Why should clients know about it?
As we move into the colder months, a lot of people start experiencing more scalp issues like dryness and flaking. A Scalp Treatment is an easy way to keep your scalp (and hair) nourished, free of buildup, and healthy, which is also great for hair growth and leaves your hair feeling amazing!

Who is it recommended for?
Anyone dealing with a dry, flaky, itchy scalp (hello, wintertime scalp vibe) or even a hyper-oily scalp. Lots of folks experience an oily scalp but dry ends, and if that’s you, this is a great service to schedule.

Who should hold off?
Folks who have recently had a coloring service should hold off for at least a week after (and should only schedule one up to a week prior to the service).

People with various scalp conditions, such as eczema, psoriasis, some types of dermatitis, and severe dandruff (which is and does look different than dry scalp) should consult with their physician before booking a scalp treatment.

How often should I get one?
I recommend folks get a Scalp Treatment seasonally, or if they feel like their scalp is asking for one (i.e. itching, flaking, or hyper oil production is present).

What’s great is that there are products out there, like the Fabulous.Hair.Shit® Scalp Treatment we used on Lauren, that make it possible to do treatments at home between visits, allowing you to stay on top of your scalp health even when you can’t make it into the salon. Come in for a Scalp Treatment and pick some up on your way out!

Scalp troubles beware—we shall emerge from this season victorious (and with very happy scalps)!