They were gone for a minute, but they’re back now! (Almost.)

Starting September 1st (that’s next Sunday!) DeDe will be back in action and slaying behind the chair, specializing, as always, in mullets, curls, gender-affirming haircuts, and dimensional color.

We are so thrilled to have them back with us and can’t wait to hear about what they’ve been up to while away in Europe!

Q: Tell us about your trip!
My partner, musician friend, and I went on a 30-day tour all throughout Northern Europe. From going to little bars that are older than the United States to experiencing a whole island set up as a music festival, we packed our bags, got in the car, and made music and smiles wherever we went. I miss waking up in a new place every day, not knowing where I was going to be the next day. It was messy, fun, and a once-in-a-lifetime experience.

Q: What was your favorite part or place you visited?
Düsseldorf, Germany! The medieval architecture was breathtaking. The people are kind, and it felt as if I stepped into an old storybook.

Q: How did the hair trends differ between there and here?
The hair trends are very wild. Raccoon-dyed mullets to hair taller than me, people are very hip there.

Q: What are you most looking forward to about being back?
I’m looking forward to being part of the community again. I love being part of people’s day and making their day even better.

Wanna know more (and get some amazing hair in the process)? Schedule your next service with DeDe ASAP before their books fill up! Annnd as a #protip, they’ve started a new hair Instagram account, @hairy.people, so be sure to give it a follow to keep up with their latest. 💕