And so it begins…

The annual back-to-school madness. With all there is to do, be sure you take a minute to schedule your student’s haircut before the big day. We can’t wait to see you both (and can’t believe how much they’ve grown!).

As a reminder, our Children’s Haircut service is designed for kids aged 10 and under and only allows time for small changes and upkeep (it does not include a shampoo and blow-dry or detangling). We ask that your child arrive to their appointment with clean, dry, and detangled hair so we can use our allocated time to focus on giving them the awesome haircut they deserve.

That being said, sometimes our kids’ hair needs a bit more love. Trust us, we’ve all been there. That’s why we created some super helpful add-ons you can select while booking a Children’s Haircut service:

-Detangling: Hey, we get it. Kids and brushes don’t always get along (how could we expect them to when there are SO MANY other cool things to explore in the world?!), and sometimes it seems like no matter what we do, those strands of hair just seem bound and determined to stick together. When the tangles have you feeling a little too tangled up, add our detangling service. Our stylists will gently and expertly release the stubborn knots prior to the haircut, leaving your child’s hair (and you!) feeling a whole lot lighter. Trust us, it’s literal magic.

-Heated Styling: Big event coming up? First day of school calling for something a little different? We’ve got it covered. From curling to straightening, this add-on includes a heated styling service post-cut—heat-protectants obviously included—leaving your child feeling confident and ready to take on all occasions. 

-Shampoo & Blow-Dry: Whether it’s for a luxury moment or simply to get a really deep clean (or hey, why not both?), sometimes a shampoo and blow-dry is just… necessary. This add-on will see your child heading to the shampoo bowl for a full wash and rinse, AND as an added bonus, if you feel your child could stand for a lesson on proper washing technique, our stylists are here for you! Simply write in the appointment notes or let our staff know when booking that you’d like to include a lesson on shampooing, and we’ll make it happen, because let’s be real, our kids listen to EVERYONE more attentively than they do us. 

At Ginger & MaudeⓇ, our business may be cutting hair, but our passion is protecting bodies. What this means is that each and every person walking through our door’s autonomy, voice, and personal style is honored, encouraged, and respected. We make an extra point to extend this to our younger clients. So just really quick, we wanted to recap our values when it comes to cutting the locks of our smallest clients to ensure we’re all on the same page:

Haircuts are Based on Individual Wants, Not Gender
We absolutely refuse to gender any haircut. Period. Instead, our aim is to give your child hair they feel good about in a way that works for them. It’s really that simple.

Constant Consent is Non-Negotiable
A haircut is ready to begin when all parties involved are giving a firm, “Yes!” to both the service itself and the haircut being discussed. For our very young and/or nonverbal friends, this will look like sitting in the chair with body language that says they’re ready to start (though we know they can be squirmy!).
If a child is upset or uncomfortable and cannot be comforted, we will not move forward with the service. Haircuts should be fun and enjoyable—holding children down to trim a few strands is just not our jam.

P.S. Nerves happen. If you’ve got a kid who wants a cut but is feeling a little anxious, give us a call! We’re happy to set up a time for them to meet their stylist prior to the service at no extra charge.

The Child is the Client! 
We want to hear from both of you and will absolutely ask if there is any information you’d like to share when you arrive. After that, if they feel up to it and are able to, we will consult with and direct our questions toward your child. 
We suggest having a conversation with them beforehand to get at least a loose plan in place of what they’re wanting so they feel less on the spot when they arrive!

No Color Services for the Kids
We do not offer chemical services of any kind for children under the age of 12.

We’ll see y’all in the salon!