Last week, we applied for Mangomint’s Do Something Beautiful Grant, a do-good program that, if selected, would award us $20,000 to execute our proposed community initiative. Our initiative,  built upon our volunteer experience and partnerships with Rose Haven and New Avenues for Youth, will make the world more beautiful by creating a service delivery program providing free haircuts to youth, women, and gender non-conforming folks experiencing houselessness in Portland, Oregon. This grant would enable us to create a long-term and consistent program for these centers by allowing us to purchase the supplies necessary to create a mobile salon we can take from site to site and hygiene care kits we can give to each client we serve. Through this, we’d be able to multiply our current impact, reaching even more people and reminding them that they are beautiful and they matter.

The top 30 finalists will be announced by Mangomint on September 6th (that’s in two days!!). After that, it’s up to YOU. The winner will be selected via public voting, which runs from September 9th to 21st. Because it’s all happening so quickly, we wanted to tell you more about our program now, so you’re all set when it comes time to vote. Fingers crossed we get selected as a finalist, we’d love to have your support in showing up for our community members who so deserve this care, yet are far too often overlooked. 💗

Read Ginger & Maude's Do Something Beautiful Grant Proposal