Holiday eGift Card Post Graphic_800p for the blog.png
You know that friend of yours who stumps you every. damn. year. with what to get them, and asking them what they want is useless because you KNOW, can already hear them answering before you’ve even finished asking the question, “Oh, I don’t want anything”? 
The nerve.
The stress.

BUT. Like the true buds we are, we’ve found a loophole we think will help you out, and we’re coming through hard with (possibly) the gift rec OF THE CENTURY.
You see, they said they don’t want anything, and you’re going to respect that, because you’re not going to them any thing—oh, no, no, no—you’re going to get them an experience. (Quote us on that.)
Specifically, you’re going to get them the experience of having their hair done at a purpose-driven, boutique salon that would absolutely love to know them and offer them a Werther’s snack and lots of good chats (unless that’s not their vibe; snacking and chatting are totally optional).

And wouldja look at that? This literally could not be easier with our eGift cards. Instant and environmentally friendly, eGift cards are a quick and convenient option, especially for any tricky or last-minute gifting needs. (Plus, they never expire!)

So take the stress out of figuring out the perfect gift for the person who doesn’t want anything and give them an eGift card for an experience they’ll truly remember. You can find them easy-peasy just by clicking here. FYI, ALL our gift cards are electronic, because we #livefor the convenience and sustainability of it all. You’re welcome.