Listen. I KNOW you’ve been planning a badass Halloween costume all. year. long. I really do, and I love your forward thinking.
I also know that sometimes life gets in the way and suddenly you’re being invited to ALL the parties and all you have to show for that glorious, awe-inspiring costume is one rockin’ idea and a regretful level of panicked procrastination. It happens (to me every year, but that’s another story).

But don’t get sad and don’t freak out. Ginger & Maude is here for you, and though I am usually only trusted to write the blog and NEVER allowed behind the chair, we’ve all agreed to make an exception this one time so I can bring you this super cute, super easy bear hair costume how-to, so that even when the long-anticipated Halloween comes flying LITERALLY OUT OF NOWHERE, you’ll be ready to go. After all, just because I’m not a stylist doesn’t mean I don’t have style.

Helpful items for this look are:
-KEVIN.MURPHY BEDROOM.HAIR—for adding texture and volume
-A comb
-At least four hair ties.
-Two reasonably sized loofahs—you can also use rolled up socks, spherical pin cushions (without the pins), or any other softish, roundish items you can procure from around your house
-Bobby pins—they say the closer to your hair color the better, but I obvi didn’t get that memo and it turned out fine

1. Start with two evenly sectioned pigtails.
2. Take your BEDROOM.HAIR and spray throughout pigtails before backcombing for a little extra zhuzh and volume.
3. Tighten up those tails a bit, then take one of your loofahs, place it at the back base of one pigtail, and wrap your hair around it so it is covered as much as possible. Secure with a hair tie and repeat on the other side.
4. Move each bun up a bit on your head to be in a more bear-inspired ear position, then secure with bobby pins. Feel free to floof as needed to keep the loofah covered.
5. Pull out wispies as desired and finish with HAIR.RESORT.SPRAY.
6. Get your bear face on and your Halloween look is complete!

(Throw on a bear suit, and I’ll bet you’ll even be able to get away with trick-or-treating.)

Be well and get weird!
Brontë, Ginger & Maude Content Writer