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Over the next little while, you might see these two lovely faces helping out around the salon. Their names are Alex (she/her) and Lauren (she/her), and they’re Ginger & Maude’s newest apprentices. 

In addition to graduating from hair design school and having a valid Oregon license, being a stylist at Ginger & Maude requires a high level of skill; we differ from other salons in that we fully support our apprentices in getting to that level through our commitment to well-rounded training and education. In conjunction with their time spent with our Education Director, Nicki, Alex will be mentored by Lead Stylist Reegan and Lauren by Lead Stylist Dakota to get a more realistic idea of what it will be like once they’ve graduated from our apprenticeship program and are available to take clients.

“I’m looking forward to honing my craft by being a part of a team that is so supportive and working alongside our talented stylists,” says Alex.

And for Lauren, “I’m excited to learn new techniques and expand my knowledge. I love everything that Ginger & Maude stands for, and I am so glad I get to be a part of it!”

We are so thrilled to have these two as part of our team. Be sure to say, “Hi!” if you run into them at the salon. We know you’ll love them just as much as we do. ♥️